A thriving business community in a wider bustling Cork City Centre. Ireland’s most progressive urban village set within one of Europe’s great smaller cities.


Membership Benefits
  • x2 days per week VQ Director of Operations.
  • Dedicated democratically elected and diverse Board of 8 Directors.
  • Opportunity to seek VQ Board and Committee membership.
  • Dedicated VQ marketing and communications via Babelfís.
  • Promotion of your events and successes via social media.
  • Dedicated VQ marketing and communications via Babelfís.
  • Input into the development of local festival and events calendar.
  • Monthly membership newsletter update.
  • Dedicated VQ marketing and communications via Babelfís.
  • Networks and forums open to member businesses:
  • VQ Green Network. Supporting Cork Climate-Neutral & Smart City ambition.
  • VQ Destination Forum. Positioning the VQ as Cork’s premier visitor attraction area.
  • VQ Education Forum. Championing the nationally significant education cluster.
  • Access to business support (e.g., Climate Neutral) funding brokered via VQ.
  • Enabling significant VQ funding bids, partnerships and projects.
  • Supporting a growing & more influential VQ community year-on-year.
  • Development of and partnership to the VQ corporate social responsibility action plan.
  • VQ Education Partnership.

A livelier, more sustainable and better-connected business community! Cleaner, greener, safer!

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Membership Fees


> 250 employees

€5,000 per annum


> 100 employees

€2,000 per Annum


20-100 employees

€1,000 per Annum


5-20 employees

€500 per annum

Start Up

1-5 employees

€250 per annum

Charities receive a 25% discount

svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3 | The VQ - Victorian Quarter Cork